Flash Player removed by Adobe permanently by the end of 2020

Adobe Flash Player announced on a previous occasion that it would permanently terminate its service on December 31, 2020.

Said a popular media player, a pioneer in technology and the web. They made this announcement in cooperation with many partners, including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla.
The operator adds about the reasons that led Adobe to take this decision, that today many technological matters have evolved. These include open standards such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly, which today have seen continuous progress. And it works as viable alternatives to Flash content.
The company asks its customers to abandon Flash Player
The company also added about this announcement, issued in 2017. We have given enough time for programmers and developers three years to migrate Adobe Flash Player content from their devices to move on to new standards.
For its part, the company insisted on its customers who use “Flash Player” that it will be permanently disabled until the end of 2020. While Adobe will not support it starting January 1, 2021.
In the same report, Adobe advises customers to be careful about downloads from external links that are not affiliated with the company, which may be carrying harmful viruses and that it will not be responsible for this.
He also commented “Chromium” web browser about this news:
Flash helped make the web a rich and dynamic experience, and shaped the modern set of web standards. We recognize that any transition can be challenging, but we will continue to work closely with Adobe and the web community to ensure users have a great experience and to help developers convert the web to HTML.
Anthony LaForge, on behalf of Team Chrome
For its part, Facebook issued a notice to game developers, to help them stay in an update after the end of Flash Player, by making some appropriate adjustments to their games before the specified dates so that their programs will continue without problems.
Nowadays, it is certain that Flash Player’s departure is painful, but it has continued for a quarter of a century with developers and programmers of games and web systems. The acceleration of time today and the technological progress made the “Flash Player” in recent years declining rates of its users, which made Adobe take the decision of killing the operator.