Rome celebrates its 2773rd anniversary in the light of the Corona era

Today, April 21, 2020, the Italian capital, Rome, celebrates its 2,773 birthday since its founding in 753 BC, and this is in light of the Coronavirus crisis.
That made Italy begin to live this history with sorrows, that have not been witnessed almost since history. In the death of thousands of Italians as a result of this global epidemic.

Since ancient times, the ancient traditions of the city of Rome say that its founder, Romulus, and Timos. Who is his twin brother who was nurtured by wolf-like orphans.
But the legend of these two brothers, in reality, was established in the fourth century BC. On the part of, the Roman scholar Marcus Trinitius Faro, determined the establishment of the Eternal City in the first century BC.

The AS Roma Football Club also said on its official website, about this celebration that its name has been associated with the city since its founding in 1927. And that it bears its colors with pride.
To celebrate the birthday of the city of Rome, many fans, well-known faces. Including Lorenzo Pellegrini, Nicolo Zaniolo, and Bebe Vio sing the club’s famous anthem.